Friday, November 25, 2011

November Catch Up

Well, I am a blogging failure. It has been almost a month since I blogged last. November just snuck by Chase and I and now it is almost Christmas!
To catch up, Chase and I have not been doing any interesting camping or hiking trips since the last blog because it has been raining and snowing every weekend it seems. Because of the rain and snow, Chase was finally able to put back together his motorcycle that broke down in July. He took the engine completely apart, bought a new crankshaft and bearings, and put it back together again. It leaks oil from a bolt that did not get put in correctly, but other than that, it is brand new!
We have also started to build a bedframe for Chase's parents. We built our headboard last fall out of logs taken from the Miller's property and Chase's dad has been jealous ever since. I de-barked and sanded the logs and Chase is putting them together. The footboard is almost completely done and we started on the headboard yesterday. I will post pictures tomorrow.
We did go on an adventure today (Chase was getting antsy). He wanted to take pictures of mountains because he is working on a project to name all of the mountains from certain viewpoints. We went to the granite dome that Chase proposed to me on that looks over Kings Canyon, which is the first picture. Notice Lehi, my in-laws dog that goes with us everywhere.

After the dome, we wanted to go to McKinley Grove to pick up Sequoia cones, but the road was closed, so we stopped at the top of the pass on Dinkey Creek Road because Chase wanted to check out some rocks on the top of a hill. We started walking up the hill and found a trail. The trail led to a viewpoint at the top of Dinkey Creek Ridge. Chase wandered around the boulders for a little while.
He found this one that he really wants to climb. We had to run down the hill because there was a giant wall of fog moving in on us, but once we got down the hill and the fog dissipated.
I was feeling really crafty yesterday and made a wreath from cedar, sequoia and manzanita for the in-laws. It looks really pretty, if a little lopsided (another picture for tomorrow).
Hopefully everyone had a happy Thanksgiving!