Monday, June 25, 2012


It feels like I am always playing catch up on this blog.  Well, this post includes the March activities.  Since it is the middle of June, it might not include all of the activities that we did.
March was a very odd month.  It started out dry and Chase got quite a few rides in in the orchard behind his parents house.  He said that the mud was perfect.

 The week after the above picture was taken, Chase went on a winter camping trip and ended up in a winter storm camping trip.  It snowed at least two feet in one night.  It started after they set up camp and Chase had to continually knock snow off his tent during the night.  I spent the night at his parents house and starting at eight in the morning, every thirty minutes his dad would ask me if I thought that Chase was okay.  I had to keep assuring him that Chase knows how to drive in the snow, especially in his truck with huge tires.

The snow was still on the ground the next weekend, so we decided to cross country ski down a forest service road that we had been eyeing.  We parked our car down at the Shaver Lake Marina and had the Miller's drive us to the top of the hill.  It was awesome, except for all of the small streams crossing our path.  We had to be careful and avoid the rocks.

We also managed to finally finish the bedframe for his parents.  It turned out absolutely beautiful as you can see.

With his half of the money that we earned from making the bed, Chase bought a new Jones splitboard.    There is a map of Alaska on the front.  It is called a splitboard because....

It splits into two skis!  The board is meant to be used as crosscountry skis to ski up the mountain and then it clicks together to snowboard down the hill.  Chase's hero Jeremy Jones designed the board and owns the company that sells it.  He is still missing a couple of pieces.  The skins to make it cross country ski and the "pucks" that his bindings hook on to.  With his birthday coming up soon, maybe he can get all the pieces.

April is next!