Saturday, February 11, 2012

January Fun

Here it is, another month has gone by without me sharing our adventures.  I started my very last semester at Fresno State in January, and so we have had some very busy weekdays and weekends.

One of Chase's best friends, Scott got married to his beautiful bride on January 14 and we were invited to the sealing.  It was at the Oakland temple, so we stayed the night before at Chase's Omas and Opas in the Bay area.  It was a beautiful ceremony and reminded Chase and I of ours three years ago.
They had a gorgeous reception the next Saturday where I ate so much food that I almost exploded.
Chase has been surveying all over the valley since he started work at Bedrock Engineering over a year ago.  During the second week of January, he had to survey the bottom of a canal that is going to be given a bed of concrete during the summer.  The day that he surveyed, he went and bought brand new wading boots.  He wandered into the mud to survey and promptly got stuck.  Every time he moved, he got deeper and deeper in the mud.  He called a guy from work who sent the Fresno water people out to get him.  After 45 minutes of waiting, they pulled him out with a rope attached to their truck.  Chase and his dad went out the next week to pull out the boot that was still stuck.

Chase has finally finished fixing his two dirtbikes.  He only has to put new plastic on the 2003 one (this is the 2008), because he broke it in a crash before we got married, and then he can sell both of them to get a new one.  Anyone need a dirtbike or two?

 We are almost done with the footboard we are making for Chase's parents.  It only needs to be polyurethaned.  As you can see, the headboard is chugging along also.  Chase finished grinding the rest of the vertical boards for the headboard this morning.
 Is anyone else having really weird weather?  The past two weeks we have tried to go cross country skiing but the snow is so icy from melting during the day and freezing at night that all I do is fall down.  The weather here has been unseasonably warm, Chase was able to rock climb last weekend after we had gone cross country skiing.  I am hoping that it will start snowing pretty soon.

Even though it is almost the middle of February, here are a couple of the things that I am looking forward too: Valentines day, President's day weekend Joshua Tree National Park trip, and my birthday of course!

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