Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Graduation Month

Here it is October already and I am stuck blogging about May.  The only thing I remember about May is all the studying I did.  I took 14 credits of upper division biology classes to finish up my degree.  In addition to my finals, I had projects, tests, and papers to get done.  The picture below was my very last day of school.  I was almost late for my lecture and so Chase did not have time to change lenses on the camera.  This is the wide angle lens so I look kind of short.

At Fresno State, there is a general graduation for everyone, individual departments have graduations for their students also.  Instead of a graduation, the biology department had a banquet.  It was the week before the big graduation, so my parents could only make it to one event and I asked them to come to the banquet.  The picture below is me with the friends that got me through microbiology, organic chemistry, and evolution.

The picture below is me with my parents.  

The big graduation was for all of the departments on a very warm saturday morning.  All of the graduates had to wait in the sun for an hour and a half before being led into the Save Mart Center.  This picture was taken as all of us were being led onto the floor.  Can you pick me out?

After the graduation, my grandparents threw an amazing party for me and the fam who came.  I lived with them for the first two and a half years of my university studies and they call me their daughter.  

Chase bought me the beautiful roses, which matched my tassel quite well.  

I am very glad to be done with my degree, especially since I had to visit the biology chair four times my last semester to get my credits smoothed out.  I have applied for the UC-Davis Physicians Assisting program and hope to hear back from them soon about interviews.  Keep your fingers crossed!

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