Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Utah half of July

Wow, I am really on a roll today.  I finished my EMT class on July 20 and they did the "graduation" on July 21.  I was the valedictorian of the class and received many awards.  It was fun being the smart person in the class (not prideful I promise).  On July 23, I flew to Utah for my sisters wedding.  I ended up getting extremely sick on the flight over and even though I had big plans on the 24th with my family, we had to cancel many of them from the sickness.  When I say we, I mean my mom and brother.

July 24th is Pioneer Day in Utah and there is a parade and breakfast and fireworks later.  We went to the breakfast and I ran into this fine looking man.  His name is Michael Ballam and he is the local celebrity that restored the Ellen Eccles theatre in Logan and stars in one of the operas every summer.  He is a national opera star as well.  Because I was not feeling well, we went home and I spent the day in bed.

Sarah, my sister's friend practically lived at my parents house over the summer and the night before Luke (my brother) and I got our haircut, she decided to straighten my brother's afro.  It was pretty gross and I had to document it for future generations.  He has the curliest biggest hair of anyone I know.

Chase flew in Friday night and brought this with him.  He carved it himself and we gave it to my sister and her husband for their wedding gift.  Its the Logan temple, didn't he do a good job?!

Katie and Daniel were sealed by our great uncle Grant in the Logan temple.  Here she is in her free wedding dress (funny story, way to long to blog).  She is much older then she looks, she is twenty I promise.

Chase and I started taking random pictures in a doorway, don't we look good?

Katie's photographer was fearless!  Of course my grandmother followed her around everywhere so that she could get the same exact picture!  She is so funny.

Katie and I doing our sister photo.  We took one of these at my wedding also.

Daniel's family had a luncheon at a local restaurant that was very delicious and I gave a toast.  I might have cried just a little bit.  The reception was held at the church property in the hills above Wellsville.  There was Italian ice and my brother and I ended up serving it.  

This is the view from the reception.  Chase and I were the last to leave because we were waiting for the Italian ice man.  The sunset was beautiful!

The next day was Chase's birthday and he wanted to climb the Wellsvilles for it.  We left around noon and it was over 90 degrees.  The trail up the hill is very steep with no shade.  I started feeling like I was getting heat stroke, so we ran down the hill without finishing.

Chase had a birthday cake that was leftover wedding cake, but we sang to him and gave him his birthday presents.  I gave him a brand new climbing rope and my parents gave him parts for his splitboard.  He flew back to California on Monday and I stayed in Utah for another week.

I visited a few friends and then got sick again for a couple of days, I think it was a cold.  My father took friday off work and I hiked Mt. Naomi with my dad and brother while my mother walked around Tony Grove Lake.  There were tons of flowers on the trail, like this columbine.

Dad let Luke carry a doodad up the hill that measured temperature and wind speed.  It was blowing thirty miles an hour at the top.

My dad has made this climb around 5 times.  I loved it.  It had a lot of variety to it, meadows, hills, and a rocky top.  I flew home on Saturday afternoon after being in Utah for two weeks.

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