Friday, June 24, 2011

Weekend in the Bay Area

Hey everyone!
This past weekend we were lucky enough to be invited to Chase's cousin Adeline's wedding at the Oakland temple. We stayed with his Oma and Opa (grandparents) on Friday night. We took his Opa to Adeline and Matt's sealing at the temple on Saturday. We took a lot of pictures, but we didn't get a lot of pictures taken of us, so here is a beautiful picture of the Oakland temple that Chase took. After the sealing, we went to good old In-N-Out for some yummy cheeseburgers with Chase's mom, dad, Sam, and Opa. That night there was a huge party at Chase's aunt Karen's house. We tried to help out with the madness and it turned out beautiful!
The next day we went to Santa Cruz to look at the tide pools along the beach. We went to the Natural Bridge State Park and peeked into the tide pools that we found in the rocks. We found crabs, clams, mussels, small fish, and two starfish. It was very pretty that day, but we went to the tide pools just before the tide came in, so we could not spend a lot of time by them because of the tide coming in.
This was one of my favorite pictures from the beach, it is of Judy, Chase's mom. Chase and I both wore flip-flops the entire time at the beach and forgot to put on sunscreen. Poor Chase had bright red feet and blisters, but I only ended up with a burn.
On the way back to Fresno, we went through Mount Madonna pass, which is just above Watsonville (where they grow raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries). We were supposed to meet Chase's mom and Natalie with her family at the top of Mount Madonna in the little state park at the top, but they took the wrong road, so it was Chase, Sam, Chuck, and I at the top. We stopped at the little state park where we were surprised by the dense redwood and eucalyptus forest. The men played frisbee golf while I took pictures. These are clover leaves that are almost as big as my hand.
There were tons of four foot high foxglove all around the road.
The men were trying to not throw their frisbees too far into the forest because of this plant. Poison Oak. Chase swears that when he walks by this plant his skin starts to tingle because he got it all over his body a couple of years ago. Notice the shiny leaves of three!

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