Tuesday, July 12, 2011

All About Chase

So, I have a giant blog to write about the big trip that we went on over Independence Day weekend, but I wanted to do a fun entry first.
Not many of you know this, but Chase is very funny. During situations that might not be the best situations, he says really funny things. Three examples:
1. Last night I accidentally swallowed some listerine. He walked in on me gagging in the bathroom because it was so strong. When I told him that I had swallowed the mouthwash, he asked me "Are you drunk?"
2. Two nights ago, our toilets had an identity crisis and decided that it was a waterfall. After he had shut off the water and we were cleaning up the pond in the bathroom, he said "At least the floor is getting mopped."
3. This one is my absolute favorite and I bring it up a lot. Chase's truck does not have automatic locks on it. He either has to unlock the passenger door with a key and I reach over the unlock his door, or he unlocks his doors and reaches over to unlock the passenger door. A couple of years ago during our first winter in Canada, it was snowing really hard and we ran to get in his truck to go home from somewhere. He unlocked his door and got in and then unlocked my door, leaving me in the snow. I asked him why he didn't unlock my door first he told me, "but it is snowing."

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