Friday, October 7, 2011

Courtright Reservoir

I have decided to be lazy this beautiful, chilly morning in October and not do the laundry like I am supposed to. Instead, I will try to catch you all up on our weekends.
Two weekends ago we went rock-climbing on Tamarack Ridge, but since I do not have any of the pictures from that trip, I will save that for a later post.

This past weekend, we did our annual Courtright reservoir camping trip. We picked up Sam from the Miller's house (along with all of our camping stuff that we keep stored there) and drove to Courtright, which is about a hour trip from his parent's house. We got there in the dark and managed to get the last good camping spot. Camping is allowed anywhere around the lake, so we pulled off the road and camped in a little ring of trees that looked onto the lake. Last year there was practically no one there, but this year it was full!
The next day, we went rock climbing at the Tiger Wall. Chase and Sam climbed it last year, but Sam did not get all the way up the rock, so he had been thinking about it for a whole year. They decided to warm up on a easier rock face before tackling the Tiger Wall and I actually climbed it! Sam took videos of all of the rock climbing, so I will post my video later. I was pretty proud of myself! After climbing the warm up rock, Chase lead the climb on the Tiger Wall, but he was not able to get past a hard part, so Sam lead the rest of the way up. He climbed the wall in record time. Chase and I couldn't believe it!
After walking back to the car (it was quite the hike with the amount of equipment that we had), we drove to a lookout spot to eat our lunch. We did the exact same thing last year, but last year, there was a really obnoxious man at the lookout with his daughters who kept telling them that he was going to accidentally shoot them instead of the bears they were hunting. I almost called child protective services on him.
After filling up with sandwiches, we drove to McKinley Grove to meet Chase's parents. McKinley Grove has a large stand of huge Sequoia trees. The day before Chase and I took our engagements photos (almost exactly three years ago) I was stung by a bee in the grove on my face.

1 comment:

  1. After seeing the photo of Courtright here I am sorry we had so much to do at home and miss that part. The grove photo is awesome. Sorry you had a stupid bee sting!
