Saturday, October 29, 2011

Overview of October

I have been so incredibly busy with school and the hospital, that our blog has been suffering. The good news is that I have As right now and hopefully I will get a 4.0 this semester. Wish me luck!
Anyway, I do not have the videos ready to be viewed, but here are some beautiful pictures for everyone to enjoy. Plus the promised overview of October.

October 1: Camping at Courtright Reservoir and climbing at the Tiger Wall and other walls near it.
October 7 & 8: Camping at Tamarack Ridge and bouldering on the Ridge
October 14 & 15: Kaiser Peak with my dad and my cousin Trent's wedding
October 21 & 22: Chase hiking with the scouts
October 29: Three Sisters

I made a list of what we did because this is not only a blog, it is our journal.

I have two movies to post, one of me climbing on a wall by Tiger Wall and the other is a giant storm that passed over us when we were bouldering on the Ridge. Hopefully I can get those on this week.

My family came up the weekend of the 15th for my cousin Trent's wedding. My dad was on a business trip in San Diego the week before, so he flew up on Thursday night and we decided to climb Kaiser Peak the next day. We picked him up super early from my Grandparents house and drove up to Huntington Lake where the hike started. The hike was long (5 or 6 miles one way) and we gained 3000 feet of elevation. The view from the top was tremendous and totally worth the hike. We could see the coastal mountains, Kings Canyon mountains, west and east side of the Sierra's. Basically we could almost see everything. All three of us made it to the top, but we couldn't find the register. We think it was buried under the fresh snow that fell a week before.

Me on the top

My dad made it to the top! I was so proud of him!

The trail went through a beautiful red fir forest and this is a picture of us going down on it. We were so tired afterwards! The next day, my mom came and saw our little love nest apartment and then we went to my Grandparents to hang out with my family and Jonas, the German exchange student that is staying with my family for the year. We had a great time at the wedding and I had a really hard time saying goodbye to them, but they are coming back for Thanksgiving! I can't wait!
Chase took this picture last weekend on his hike with the scouts. He is now the Deacon's Quorum Advisor and the other leaders are thrilled to have someone who loves the outdoors helping out. The older scouts had to do a twenty mile hike to meet a badge requirement, so they hiked from the Dinkey Lakes trailhead past many lakes on the way to Courtright Reservoir. After eating foot long subway sandwiches that a bishopric member brought up, they headed back the same way. Chase had a great time and was able to show the scout group what a mountain goat he is after hiking a ridge off trail while the rest of everyone took a fifteen minute break.

The above picture is the Three Sisters mountain taken from first Dinkey Lake. This is the mountain that we climbed today. Chase told me when I mentioned that I was going to update our blog that I should "wait until tomorrow to post about the hike today so that you can think of something good to say about it." So I am not going to post about it. I am going to say that it involved a lot of down hiking and not a lot of food or water.

1 comment:

  1. Great post Alyssa. I look forward to reading more miller adventures.
